SV Design Wins Chatham Historical Commission Preservation Award for Revitalization of Captain John Hammond, Jr. House
Historic Home Wins Preservation Award
SV Design was recently awarded the Chatham Preservation Award for its historic renovation and design work in simultaneously preserving and modernizing the Captain John Hammond, Jr. House in the Old Village of Chatham on Main Street.
The iconic summer bungalow was built in 1904 by Hammond and his wife, Della. In 2019, the 1,800 square-foot home and abutting 230 square-foot cottage were purchased by a couple with the intent to preserve its unique historic character and architecture while updating aesthetics, energy efficiency, and the stability of the property.
Construction began in early 2020 by lifting the building from its brick piers, moving it forward on rails, and placing it back on a solid foundation with helical pilings for added stability. The home was slightly rotated to allow for the addition of off-street parking and a path to the main entryway with a convenient tucked-in mudroom.
A media room and bath were added to the newly structured basement; built-in bunk beds, storage, and an eat-in nook were crafted to utilize space and create a light and airy, comfortable atmosphere throughout the home.
“All new elements and details were designed to be appropriate to the language and architecture at the time the home was originally constructed,” said Leslie Schneeberger, Associate Principal at SV Design.
The traditional clapboard exterior façade was maintained with the addition of energy-efficient rigid insulation; the existing deck was enlarged, and a second-floor balcony was added. The home’s original structural beams were left exposed, a visual display of the craftsmanship from when the house was built as a summer cottage.
Pops of color, rustic wood and natural Cape Cod textures create ambiance and harmony with the sweeping ocean views in both the main home and the little cottage. “My favorite moment was visiting the home and seeing multiple generations gathering comfortably and enjoying the spaces we created,” said Lindsay Moore, Senior Project Manager for interior design, décor, and furnishings.
To see more of Captain's Row, click here.